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Third Party Services

Cookies Policy

Updated 14th Dec, 2018

As described in the “Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies” Section of our Privacy Statement, Chartwood and its third party service providers use cookies (small text files placed on your device) and similar technologies (“Cookies”) to provide our websites, online services and applications, and to help collect data. We have put together this Cookie Policy to provide you with more detailed information on how we use these types of technologies and your choices related to them. For information on how we protect your privacy in our use of Cookies and other information, please see our Privacy Statement.

What are Cookies

The type of Cookie commonly referred to as a ‘cookie’ is a small piece of text, often consisting of a string of numbers and letters that uniquely identifies your device, but can contain other information. The cookie is sent to your browser by a website you visit and helps the website to remember information about your visit, like your preferred language and other settings. That can make your next visit easier and the site more useful to you. Cookies can be “persistent” or “session” cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your computer when you have gone offline, while session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your web browser. A website may set a cookie to the browser if the browser's preferences allow it. A browser only permits a website to access the cookies that it has set, not those set by other websites.

Other tracking technologies that we use, which we are also calling “Cookies” for purposes of this Cookie Policy, include web beacons (electronic images also called single-pixel gifs), pixels, Flash cookies (also known as “local shared objects” or “LSOs”), and similar technologies. Flash cookies, specifically, is another technology from Adobe that can provide cookie-equivalent functionality. Flash cookies are capable of storing information on your device (in a file outside of your browser). Please note that not all browsers provide the ability to remove Flash cookies. You can restrict or block Flash cookies through the Adobe website and links for doing so are included in the “Controlling Cookies” section of this Policy below. As with any Cookie, if you do restrict Flash cookies, there may be some features of our services that you won't be able to use.

How FileTax uses Cookies

We use Cookies for many purposes. We use them, for example, to help you sign up for our services, to know which elements of our service are helpful to you and which aren’t, and to protect your information. We also use technologies that collect details about your device and browser in order to recognize your device, network, or browser over time.

Sometimes the Cookies are necessary in order for us to provide you the service you requested. Other times, we combine non-identifiable data collected from Cookies with that of other customers to improve your and other customers' experience. We may also use Cookies to correlate IP addresses, mobile devices, and other technologies to determine if multiple devices may relate to the same user.

In accordance with the Digital Advertising Alliance Principles, Chartwood also uses advertising networks and other third parties to display advertising on our websites or to manage our advertising on other sites. To support that activity, our third party partners may place Cookies on our services and unaffiliated websites in order to serve advertisements that may be relevant to you based on your browsing activities and interests, and to determine the effectiveness of such advertisements.

We use web beacons to help deliver cookies on our websites, count users who have visited those websites and deliver co-branded services that you have ordered. We also include web beacons in our promotional email messages or newsletters to determine whether you open and act on them, which helps us to deliver content to you that you find useful and informative. We may employ Flash cookies in certain situations where we use Flash to provide some content such as video clips or animation.

Our services may also contain Cookies (web beacons or other technologies) from third- party analytics providers, which help us compile aggregated statistics about the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns or other operations.

Types of Cookies Used

Types Categories Description
Essential Critical Cookies that contain information critical to your online experience (like the specific services you've ordered), or that assist with certain kinds of personalization that are essential to your use of our services (like language preferences)
Process Process cookies help make our websites work and deliver the services that you expect
Analytics We may use a set of analytics cookies to collect information and report website usage statistics without personally identifying visitors
Security We use security cookies to authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of login credentials, and protect user information from unauthorized parties.
Functional Preference Cookies that contain information important to your experience, but not critical (like fonts, personalization of the services with your name).
Other Advertising Cookies that serve purposes such as introducing products or services that may be of interest to you or measuring interactions with the ads on our sites or on third party sites and preventing the same ads from being shown to you too many times.
Surveys Cookies that enable surveying activities, such as allowing us to keep you from being given the same survey more than once.
Social Sharing Cookies that allow you to utilize sharing features for third party social media services from within our services.

Controlling Cookies

Controlling Chartwood and Third Party Cookies:

Information on changing your browser settings to opt out of Cookies can be found in your browser settings. You may configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is set. Each browser is different, so check the "Help" menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

Most mobile operating systems provide you an option in the device settings to limit ad tracking associated with the device ID they may share with us. Please reference your mobile operating system’s help center to learn more.

In accordance with applicable law, Chartwood Accounting & Bookkeeping and our service providers may use commonly-used tools to recognize your visit and track your interactions with our Services such as cookies, web beacons, pixels, local shared objects, and similar technologies (collectively, "Cookies").

Sometimes this tracking is necessary in order for us to provide you the Service you requested. Other times, we combine Usage Data collected from Cookies with that of other customers to improve your and other customers' experience. You have control over some of the Usage Data we collect from Cookies and how we use it. Information on changing your browser settings to opt out of Cookies can be found in your browser settings.

In accordance with the Advertising Alliance Principles, Chartwood Accounting & Bookkeeping also uses advertising networks and other third parties to display advertising on our website or to manage our advertising on other sites. Our third party partners may place Cookies on our Services and unaffiliated websites in order to serve advertisements that may be relevant to you based on your browsing activities and interests, and to determine the effectiveness of such advertisements. If you wish to opt out of interest-based advertising, click here, or if located in the UAE.

Please note that even if you out-out of such Cookies or otherwise opt-out of interest based advertising, you will still receive advertisements, they just won't be tailored to your interests. Also, if you opt-out and later delete your Cookies, use a different browser, or buy a new computer, you may need to renew your opt-out choices.