Tax Pay
Vat Insight
Third Party Services
Bookkeeping - FileTax
Tax Pay
Vat Insight
Third Party Services


$99 per Tax Period

Terms and conditions apply

For more informative description, please refer to the following specifications

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Tax Return

$8 Tax Period

AED 399 Tax Period

Tax Transactions Only 1

This package allow users to add unlimited Tax Transactions only, prepare the Tax Retun,No record for non-tax documents,No hard copy, only soft copy,prefered format PDF or XLSX.
Local Purchase Yes
Local Sale Yes
Import via Customs Yes
Import out of Customs Yes
Export out of Customs Yes
Transit Goods Yes
Sale Goods inside Freezone Yes
Sale Service inside Freezone Yes
Purchase from Freezone Yes
Exempted Sales Yes
Zero rated Sales Yes
Export Sales Yes
General Expenses Yes
Fixed Assets Yes
VAT Adjustment Yes
Write Off of Purchase Yes
Write Off of Sale Yes
Tax Refunds for Tourists Yes
Import for Re-Export Yes
Tax Credit Yes
Tax Debit Yes
Exempted Purchase Yes
Zero rated Purchase Yes
Tax Group Sale Yes
Tax Group Purchase Yes
UnTaxed Sale Yes
UnTaxed Purchase Yes
Payment Voucher Yes
Receipt Voucher Yes
Bank Reconcilation Yes
Closing Tranasactions Yes

One Tax Period 2

Each license entitles you to mentioned features till 1 Tax Period
Depends on your company Tax Period which you can set between 1 to 3 Months
Tax Period Yes
Filling Date Reminder Yes

Unlimited Tax Returns Draft 3

You can check Tax Returns calculations between any chosen times starting your registration date
Unlimited Tax Returns Draft Yes

Transaction Reports 4

Reports of your Transactions
Unlimited (along with printable Attachments) No
Sales Ledger No
Purchase via Customs No
Purchases out of Customs No
VAT Adjustment Ledger No
Expenses Ledger No
Fixed Assets Ledger Yes
Local Purchases Ledger No
Tax Transactions Ledger No

Auto Transaction Management 5

Smart and auto modul to manage your revolved and condithioned transaction
Import for Re-Export No
Goods in Transit No
Fixed Assets No

Documents Creator 6

You can creat , edit and Print Tax Invoice, Tax Credit Note, Purchase Invoice and Tax Debit Note, also you can save any voucher as PDF, add your own logo
Tax Invoice No
Tax Credit Note No
Purchase Invoice No
Tax Debit Note No
Add Logo No

Documents Managment 7

Keep all your documents in one place safe and easy to reach,the availiblity and archiving the documents is the user resposnsibility only,the bookkeeping service provider responsbility is data entry only
Attach Document per transaction No
Archive Documents per tax type No

Bookkeeper Service 8

We upload the data on behalf of you
Bookkeeping Service No
Review Posted Data No
Generate Misstatment Report No
Data Adjustment No
Sales vs Cost

$11 License

AED 525 per month

Assignment Financial Transactions 1

This package allow users to maintain sales, cost and expense transactions only,Sales vs Cost monthly report, prepare the Tax Retun,No hard copy, only soft copy,prefered format PDF or XLSX.
Local Purchase Yes
Local Sale Yes
Import via Customs Yes
Import out of Customs Yes
Export out of Customs Yes
Transit Goods Yes
Sale Goods inside Freezone Yes
Sale Service inside Freezone Yes
Purchase from Freezone Yes
Exempted Sales Yes
Zero rated Sales Yes
Export Sales Yes
General Expenses Yes
Fixed Assets Yes
VAT Adjustment Yes
Write Off of Purchase Yes
Write Off of Sale Yes
Tax Refunds for Tourists Yes
Import for Re-Export Yes
Tax Credit Yes
Tax Debit Yes
Exempted Purchase Yes
Zero rated Purchase Yes
Tax Group Sale Yes
Tax Group Purchase Yes
UnTaxed Sale Yes
UnTaxed Purchase Yes
Payment Voucher Yes
Receipt Voucher Yes
Bank Reconcilation Yes
Closing Tranasactions Yes

per month 2

Each license entitles you to mentioned features till one month
Annual subscription mandatory
Tax Period Yes
Filling Date Reminder Yes

Unlimited Tax Returns Draft 3

You can check Tax Returns calculations between any chosen times starting your registration date
Unlimited Tax Returns Draft Yes

Transaction Reports 4

Reports of your Transactions
Unlimited (along with printable Attachments) No
Sales Ledger No
Purchase via Customs No
Purchases out of Customs No
VAT Adjustment Ledger No
Expenses Ledger No
Fixed Assets Ledger No
Local Purchases Ledger No
Sorted Transactions Ledger No

Auto Transaction Management 5

Smart and auto modul to manage your revolved and condithioned transaction
Import for Re-Export No
Goods in Transit No
Fixed Assets No

Documents Creator 6

You can creat , edit and Print Tax Invoice, Tax Credit Note, Purchase Invoice and Tax Debit Note, also you can save any voucher as PDF, add your own logo
Tax Invoice No
Tax Credit Note No
Purchase Invoice No
Tax Debit Note No
Add Logo No

Documents Managment 7

Keep all your documents in one place safe and easy to reach,the availiblity and archiving the documents is the user resposnsibility only,the bookkeeping service provider responsbility is data entry only
Attach Document per transaction No
Archive Documents per tax type No

Bookkeeper Service 8

We upload the data on behalf of you
Bookkeeping Service No
Review Posted Data No
Generate Misstatment Report No
Data Adjustment No
Monthly Position

$99 License

AED 1050 per month

Unlimited Transactions 1

This package allow users to maintain all financial transactions,Balance Sheet report,Income Statement,Bank Reconcilation, prepare the Tax Retun,Documents any type format format.
Local Purchase Yes
Local Sale Yes
Import via Customs Yes
Import out of Customs Yes
Export out of Customs Yes
Transit Goods Yes
Sale Goods inside Freezone Yes
Sale Service inside Freezone Yes
Purchase from Freezone Yes
Exempted Sales Yes
Zero rated Sales Yes
Export Sales Yes
General Expenses Yes
Fixed Assets Yes
VAT Adjustment Yes
Write Off of Purchase Yes
Write Off of Sale Yes
Tax Refunds for Tourists Yes
Import for Re-Export Yes
Tax Credit Yes
Tax Debit Yes
Exempted Purchase Yes
Zero rated Purchase Yes
Tax Group Sale Yes
Tax Group Purchase Yes
UnTaxed Sale Yes
UnTaxed Purchase Yes
Payment Voucher Yes
Receipt Voucher Yes
Bank Reconcilation Yes
Closing Tranasactions Yes

One Tax Period 2

Each license entitles you to mentioned features till 1 Tax Period
Depends on your company Tax Period which you can set between 1 to 3 Months
Tax Period Yes
Filling Date Reminder Yes

Unlimited Tax Returns Draft 3

You can check Tax Returns calculations between any chosen times starting your registration date
Unlimited Tax Returns Draft Yes

Transaction Reports 4

Reports of your Transactions
Unlimited (along with printable Attachments) No
Sales Ledger No
Purchase via Customs No
Purchases out of Customs No
VAT Adjustment Ledger No
Expenses Ledger No
Fixed Assets Ledger No
Local Purchases Ledger No
All Transactions Ledger No

Auto Transaction Management 5

Smart and auto modul to manage your revolved and condithioned transaction
Import for Re-Export No
Goods in Transit No
Fixed Assets No

Documents Creator 6

You can creat , edit and Print Tax Invoice, Tax Credit Note, Purchase Invoice and Tax Debit Note, also you can save any voucher as PDF, add your own logo
Tax Invoice No
Tax Credit Note No
Purchase Invoice No
Tax Debit Note No
Add Logo No

Documents Managment 7

Keep all your documents in one place safe and easy to reach
Attach Document per transaction No
Archive Documents per tax type No

Bookkeeper Service 8

We upload the data on behalf of you
Bookkeeping Service No
Review Posted Data No
Generate Misstatment Report No
Data Adjustment No