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Tax Pay
Vat Insight
Third Party Services

File Your Taxes Yourself!

FileTax brings you a platform to manage your transactions with ease,
Categorize them into GCCs various Tax Categories and Generate Reports!

Get Started

No Errors with AI based Reporting!

To Err is Human! But with FileTax you will easily detect errors of existing or upcoming transactions

Vat Insight

Switch between multiple Business!

FileTax empowers you with multi business management,
switch with a click and immerse into dedicated control over the business

Get Started


Easy to Register

We made registration so simple, you can get started with managing your invoices within no time. There is much more you can do as a business establishment.

Go to Overview

Easy to manage invoices

Multiple ways to manage invoices, easily add your invoices with auto calculations, or just upload a picture and we will process it for you.

Go to Invoices

It cannot be more easier than FileTax!

After a whole year of efforts, FileTax was launched to help you

FileTax provides an interface that requires no learning or expert knowledge of accounting

File Tax yourself!

File Tax designed as concept to reduce dependency on Accountant and provide a powerful platform to individuals like you empowering them to file taxes by self.

SMEs to Large Enterprises

File Tax help businesses automate compliance at scale. A software powerful enough that covers the process of Direct and Indirect taxes with live and easily interactable experience.

No Data Entry!

File Tax got you if you do not like entering data, Just upload a picture of your invoice and we got you covered in getting it digitized.

Join Now & FileTax yourself!